Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 Q's in the News " Devastation in Pakistan"

1. “Who: Asif Ali Zadari is the president of Pakistan.”
2. “What: The recent monsoon rains in Pakistan caused landslides in the north, raising water levels, destroyed the government’s aid efforts.”
3. “Where: Sindh Providence in southern Pakistan was the country that people were hard-hit by the rains and flooding.”
4. “When: The last major disaster was 2005 in Kashmir, Pakistan due to an earthquake.”
5. “Why: Aid workers were having trouble reaching the effected areas because roads/ valley’s were blocked off from the country.”
6. How: “ There were about six million people affected and one thousand five hundred people killed because of the current floods in Pakistan.”


  1. Hmmm. This looks EXACTLY like Heather's post. SEE ME.

  2. Have those goals on going to college It will motivate your to work harder!
