Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Embarassing Moment

It was a windy day while I was attending the sixth grade. All of a sudden the fire alarms went off and I realized I had forgotten my backpack in the classroom. My class headed outside to form the procedure lines, but it was time for school to get out so everyone headed home. As I approached my driveway I remembered that I had forgotten my backpack in the classroom. So I headed back to school in search of my backpack. An abrupt wind came by and gave me the immediate urge to use the restroom, but all of the restrooms where locked. I began looking for the janitor to open the classroom and I peed on myself. The janitor asked me if I was okay and I lied and said I was special ed.I not only peed on myself in front on myself in front of the janitor and lied about being in special ed,but I had to walk home smelling like pee.


  1. =))
    Did you ever recover you backpack?

  2. That's horrible! However, I just laughed and told the entire study hall class to read this post.

  3. Yeah she did, but that was funny I had to say that. Hope that you got your backpack back. Speacial ED. Good cover.
